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ROSA - Specific Activity Objects Registry


Data acquisition, storage and transfer (Universal Data Model - object relation oriented) on a tree-like multitier architecture. Management of activity reated information. Data are introduced in geograpically distributed locations and then transmitted through a replication mechanism (Mobius SQL Replicator) to the terriorial headquarters and vice-versa thus being possible real time data centralization and spreading, data audit enabled.

Specific elements

Versatile application (universal data mode, metadatabase), visual, intuitive interface, useful for territorially distributed offices. Implementation in multi-location configuration where there is the necessity for real time data replication.


Interface with Dispecerat application, ERP,GIS (ESRI) geodatabase, decisional support systems(DSS),MS Office,Sharepoint Portal Server, OLAP cubes. Reports are made with Reporting Services.

Platform. Requirements

Data are managed with MSSQL Server 2000, federalized databases according to the organizational architecture on several tiers. Client side is written in VB.NET, .NET Framework 1.1. The software runs on Windows 2000/XP platforms. Reports are centralized with Reporting Services. The replication mechanism uses routes and temporal intervals customized according to client’s requirements.


l Mobius SQL Replicator l ROSA - Specific Activity Objects Registry l Stock BackOffice System l Mobius HR & Payroll l Dispatch l

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